ATMOS AÇÕES FIC FIA – CNPJ: 11.145.320/0001-56
Monthly Report
Informações Complementares
(Available only in Portuguese)
Historical Performance
Updated in | Year | 12 M | 24 M | 36 M | 60 M | Since Inception |
Atmos Ações | ||||||
Ibovespa |
Provide clients with income above the long-term interest rate from investments made predominantly in the stock market in Brazil.
Investment Policy
The Fund invests at least 95% of it's NAV in Atmos Master Fund. The Invested Fund seeks to invest in companies with growth potential, long-term sustainable competitive advantages and managed to generate value for all shareholders. The Invested Fund may use financial derivative market instruments to hedge expected returns.
Eligible Investors
Qualified investors as defined in CVM Instruction 554/14.
Before making an investment decision, it is important for the investor to know and understand the investment fund's risk factors, which can be found in the Fund's documents available on this website.
Fund Information
Inception Date | 10/15/2009 |
Minimum subscription amount | R$ 50.000,00 |
Minimum subsequent orders | R$ 10.000,00 |
Minimum balance | R$ 20.000,00 |
Status | The fund is currently closed for new investments. |
Investment NAV | NAV of the business day following the date of the investment. |
Redemption Conditions | Daily redemptions.
NAV of the 10th business day after the redemption request. Alternatively, NAV of the following business day after the redemption request upon payment of Redemption Fee of 10% (credited to the benefit of the fund). Payment: Two business days after the NAV conversion. |
Management Fee | 2.0% p.a. of fund’s NAV |
Performance fee | 10% of returns exceeding the benchmark of IPCA + x% p.a., annually. X Factor is the average (arithmetic mean) of the daily indicative rate of bonds from IMA-B 5+ from October, November and December from previous year, where indicative rate is the weighted average (weighted mean) of NTN-B 5+ yield to maturity over inflation. |
Tax Fee | 15% tax over nominal returns. |
Anbima Category | Equity Investors |
Auditor | KPMG Auditores Independentes |
Administrator | BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros S.A. DTVM |
Custodian | Banco BTG Pactual S.A. |
Investment Manager | Atmos Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda. |
Additional Information | For further information please click here. |